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本帖最后由 bitebone 于 2014-3-17 16:30 编辑
On a clear day, you could see 'America' from Edinburgh's Castle Rock - or so said Alice Munro's great-great-great-grandfather, James Laidlaw, when he had drink taken. Then, in 1818, Laidlaw left the parish of 'no advantages', of banked Presbyterian emotions and uncanny tales - where, like his more famous cousin James Hogg, he was born and bred - and sailed to the new world with his family. This is the story of those shepherds from the Ettrick Valley and their descendants, among them the author herself. They were a Spartan lot, who kept to themselves; showing off was frowned on, and fear was commonplace, at least for females... But opportunities present themselves for two strong-minded women in a ship's close quarters; a father dies, and a baby vanishes en route from Illinois to Canada; another story hints at incest; childhood is short and hazardous. This is family history where imperfect recollections blur into fiction, where the past shows through the present like the tracks of a glacier on a geological map. First love flowers under an apple tree while lust rears its head in a barn; a restless mother with ideas beyond her station declines painfully; a father farms fox fur and turkeys; a clever girl escapes to college and then into a hasty marriage. Beneath the ordinary landscape there's a different story - evocative, frightening, sexy, unexpected, gripping. Alice Munro tells it like no
艾丽丝·门罗(Alice Munro,1931.07.10~),加拿大女作家,被称为“加拿大的契科夫”。艾丽丝·门罗1931年生于加拿大加拿大渥太华,大部分时间都在这个安静的城市度过,少女时代即开始写小说。门罗以短篇小说见长,截至2013年10月,创作了11部短篇小说集和1部类似故事集的长篇小说。1968年,门罗发表第一部短篇小说集《快乐影子舞》(Dance of the Happy Shades),并获得加拿大总督文学奖。其代表作有《好荫凉之舞》和《逃离》。门罗多次获奖,其中包括三次加拿大总督奖,两次吉勒奖,以及英联邦作家奖、欧亨利奖、笔会马拉穆德奖和美国全国书评人奖等。2009年获得第三届布克国际奖。
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